My name is David, and Squid Ink Studios is my fictional (perhaps future) graphic design company. The squid and I have a long and chequered history dating all the way back to 2009. 
It's a love/hate relationship - I love them, they hate me.
In terms of design, I enjoy branding, advertising, and packaging design, but I'm keen to explore all kinds of design avenues. I also enjoy incoherent rambling, cramming homemade words into sentences where they don't belong, and, of course, balancing acts (such as those between
humour and professionalism).
I am the proud owner of a Diploma in Graphic Design, and I promise to feed and water it every day. I also hold a Bachelors Degree in Music, but sometimes my hand cramps and I have to put it down. Then I forget where I put it and I have to look under my bed and behind the couch and it becomes this whole big thing, you know?
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